Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Leader will be spokesperson for the group and will collate all information.

Co-Leader will assist the leader and will take over the leader's role when the leader is not present.

Note-taker will take done notes by the teacher,there are two note-takers because the other note-taker may not be present or have missed a part of what the teacher said.

Presenters will make presentations if needed and present items by the group to the class.


Leader : Naveena


Note-taker : Davina , Michelle

Presenters : Yu xiang , Victor


(1) Nurture a community of learners who have a sense of belonging and pride to theschool (their identity as SST students)

(2) Create challenging and fulfilling experiences in promoting citizenship education and cross cultural understanding (through systemic structures and platforms put in place school-wide)

(3) Develop world-ready and future-looking student ambassadors to represent SST and Singapore

(4) Raise the national consciousness of the SST student community (as we forge ahead to become a globally connected institution)